Sweet Rose Bouquet
Create a bouquet of fabulous and sweet roses on your next paper crafting project!
The 6″ x 8″ Sweet Rose Bouquet Stamp Set contains a beautiful bouquet of small roses, stems, and leaves. The roses have four layers, giving a realistic depth to the stamped images. Stamp the images in different colors, heat emboss them for some texture, color them with your fave alcohol markers or watercolors, or die cut them with the coordinating dies for added dimension. The sky’s the limit when it comes to this set’s creative possibilities!
The set includes 20 clear photopolymer stamps.
The Sweet Rose Die Set coordinates with the Sweet Rose Stamp Set and includes 9 dies.
Our coordinating dies are designed to work perfectly with our stamp sets for maximum crafting ease and efficiency. All of our dies work great with a majority of the die-cutting machines available in the market.
Project Inspiration Guide: Sweet Rose Bouquet Project Inspiration Guide
Download: Sweet Rose Bouquet Layering Guide
- Sweet Rose Bouquet Stamp Set
- Sweet Rose Bouquet Die Set